Paper Clay Face
Begin by drawing faces on paper.
Consider all of the components that go into a face (Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, eye brow, dimples, wrinkles, etc.)
Draw 2-4 sketches to start and begin to develop a final portrait as large as a piece of paper.... you will model your sculpture off of this picture..
Once happy with a face to create, begin by adding layers of wadded up paper and masking tape to a flat piece of cardboard.
Make sure the paper is dense and has a relatively flat surface once you are near completion.
Use paper to make raised areas for eye brows, noses ears etc.
When you are finished building with paper, begin smoothing on thin layers of paper clay NO THICKER THAN 1/4 OF AN INCH at a time... otherwise it will take a LOOOOOONG time to dry.
Once fully covered allow to dry, sand any sharp or pointy parts down/off with sand paper ...
finally, PAINT IT!
Consider all of the components that go into a face (Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, eye brow, dimples, wrinkles, etc.)
Draw 2-4 sketches to start and begin to develop a final portrait as large as a piece of paper.... you will model your sculpture off of this picture..
Once happy with a face to create, begin by adding layers of wadded up paper and masking tape to a flat piece of cardboard.
Make sure the paper is dense and has a relatively flat surface once you are near completion.
Use paper to make raised areas for eye brows, noses ears etc.
When you are finished building with paper, begin smoothing on thin layers of paper clay NO THICKER THAN 1/4 OF AN INCH at a time... otherwise it will take a LOOOOOONG time to dry.
Once fully covered allow to dry, sand any sharp or pointy parts down/off with sand paper ...
finally, PAINT IT!